Monday, September 25, 2017

This and That: Did you Know?

Good Morning...

Just getting going on this blog and hope that I'll hit on topics that are helpful to you.  Today, I'm passing along some things that fall under the category of "Did You Know?"

Here are a couple of things that I didn't know and I wish I had.  And I wish that if I had known them, I would have heeded the warning and done something about them.

First, did you know that obesity can lead to cancer?  Now, I know that some of you are turning away right now, because you don't want to hear that, but it's true.  When I found out I had endometrial cancer, the physician said to me that I probably wouldn't have had it if I had maintained a normal weight.  At the time, I didn't want to hear that, but I knew it was true.  I had intended to lose weight, but just never got around to it. Now I have lost weight, Hope it'll help the rest of my life.

Second, did you know that you can have reflux without heartburn?   I never complained to my physician about possible GI problems because I didn't ever have heartburn.  Here are some of the frequent symptoms associated with reflux... chronic coughing, throat clearing, post nasal drip, hoarse voice, regurgitation, heartburn (but not always), acidic taste in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing (gag reflex).

Just passing this along so you can plan your prevention....

Have a good day.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

This and That about ....GERD

Good Morning.... or afternoon as the case may be.  As you can see, I've been thinking about this blog for a while.  I think the one and only other post was in May 2016. However... that doesn't mean that it's not important.  I've been wanting to write short blog posts that might be helpful to others and couldn't fine just the right topic to tie it all together.  Then is February... I was diagnosed with GERD... Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.  Bingo.  Once I started healing after the surprise that I had GERD when I had never had heartburn, I realized that I had my topic.

One third of the population has GERD is some form.  Many don't know it and many pretend they don't have it because they are satisfied (or not) with popping an antacid now and then to take care of it.  So, come along with me. We'll take this journey together.  I'm not an expert, but I've learned more about it in the last 6 months than most other topics in my life and I'll share that and will look up more if you want to start a conversation.

So,  Stay Tuned.... more to come.